ACA President Issues Post-Election Statement of Support

Nov 10, 2016
Dear Counseling Colleagues,

We have just experienced a momentous election, one that unveiled a deep divide in our country. As counselors and mental health professionals at all venues, I urge us to hold close the beliefs and passion in our hearts, while we continue to assist and offer best practice to our students, clients, supervisees, and colleagues.

Counselors and Counselor Educators, supervisors and leaders can help to ensure that the best information, best skills and best spirit is maintained as we go about our daily lives. There are people who will need our support and compassion, and as always, we will offer that to them, with the assurance that they are supported, valued, and respected as worthwhile humans.

I love our profession for many reasons, and one major reason is that we have the charge, responsibility and indeed influence, to see the good, and to participate in the conversation at all levels. As you have heard from me many times, and especially at this time, let us offer positivity, hope and courage to all.

Catherine B. Roland, Ed.D., LPC, NCC
President, American Counseling Association, 2016-2017

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