Coping with the Emotional Aspects of the Swine Flu Outbreak

May 01, 2009
The Swine influenza A virus infection (swine flu) has captured headlines, generating a need for citizens to be informed and practice caution. In addition to identifying state and local sources of information and communicating with medical professionals when necessary, counselors should be aware that the Centers for Disease Control posts regular information and guidance at its national website. Also, the Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services unit has prepared a Swine Flu Fact Sheet.

The Swine influenza A virus infection (swine flu) has captured headlines, generating a need for citizens to be informed and practice caution. In addition to identifying state and local sources of information and communicating with medical professionals when necessary, counselors should be aware that the Centers for Disease Control posts regular information and guidance at its national website. Also, the Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services unit has prepared a Swine Flu Fact Sheet that is posted below.

Centers for Disease Control Swine Flu website...

Red Cross Fact Sheet (PDF)

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