Counseling Awareness Month

During Counseling Awareness Month in April, we focus on the central role that professional counselors across workplace settings play in keeping people and communities healthy. Powered by the American Counseling Association—more than 58,000 members strong—Counseling Awareness Month provides an opportunity to celebrate the counseling profession and individuals who do this important work.

Get Involved   Teal Day   Relax & Learn     



ACA President Kim Frazier

ACA President Kim Frazier

“We cannot pour from an empty cup as counselors. This Counseling Awareness Month, our theme ‘Get Fit for Your Future’ reminds counselors to prioritize keeping our minds, hearts and bodies in the best condition possible. Let’s take time to plan for and build on our own wellness regimens, so we can better serve our clients and still have the energy to fully engage with our family, friends and activities that bring us joy.”

Get Involved and Spread the Word

This year’s theme, Get Fit for Your Future, calls counselors to take the time to look after their mental, spiritual, social, emotional and physical fitness. By caring for their own wellness, counselors can be more present in their professional and personal lives. Help share this call to action by participating in special Counseling Awareness Month activities, using or sharing resources and showing your support in your community or on social media.

Calendar of Events

  • April 1 – Get moving with a 30-minute fitness video by fitness and lifestyle coach Garrett Waller. No equipment needed for this special workout designed with counselors in mind.
  • April 8 – Join ACA President Kim Frazier (Leaderboard name: Prez71) and CEO Shawn Boynes (Leaderboard name: seboynes) at 2 p.m. for a 30-minute "New Tracks" ride with Peloton trainer Alex Toussaint.
  • April 14 – Support professional counselors and promote mental health by wearing teal on Teal Day!
  • All Month Long – Relax and Learn by exploring our curated resources that can help counselors get fit for the future.


Get Moving with Coach Garrett Waller

Facebook Counseling Awareness Month

Spread the word through social media

Click and download each graphic to post to your social media!

  • Click and download your social media graphic

    LinkedIn / Twitter
    LinkedIn for Counseling Awareness month

    Facebook / Instagram

  • Sample social media language

    • We’re so excited to join the @americancounselingassociation for Counseling Awareness Month 2023 throughout the month of April! #CounselorsHelp,
    • “Get Fit for Your Future” is the theme for Counseling Awareness Month 2023. Get involved today and help shine light on these mental health warriors!
    • It’s CAM time! We are proud to partner with @americancounselingassociation for Counseling Awareness Month 2023 throughout the month of April! #CounselorsHelp
    • By caring for their own wellness, counselors can be more present in their professional and personal lives. Join me and the @americancounselingassociation as we celebrate counselors all throughout Counseling Awareness Month! Learn more:

    • We’re so excited to join @counselingviews for Counseling Awareness Month 2023 throughout the month of April! #CounselorsHelp
    • “Get Fit For Your Future” is @counselingviews’s theme for Counseling Awareness Month 2023. Get involved today and help shine light on these mental health warriors!
    • By caring for their own wellness, counselors can be more present in their professional and personal lives. Join me and @counselingviews as we celebrate counselors all throughout Counseling Awareness Month! Learn more:

    2022 TEAL DAY (April 14th): SAMPLE MESSAGES

    • Mark your calendars! We’re excited to join @americancounselingassociation on Friday, April 14th for #TealDay. Teal Day is a social initiative designed to build strong support, recognition and appreciation for professional counselors! Take a pic of your teal-wear, use #CounselorsHelp and join the movement!

    • Join @counselingviews for #TealDay! On April 14th, wear teal to support the nationwide effort to raise awareness of counselors and promote mental health during Counseling Awareness Month 2023. #CounselorsHelp 

  • Sample Proclamation Supporting Counseling Awareness Month

    Whereas: The American Counseling Association [and state or local association] has [have] declared the month of April [insert year] as Counseling Awareness Month, and

    Whereas: Professional counseling contributes to the growth and development of people across the life span and assists them in achieving their full human, educational and career potential, and

    Whereas: Citizens can utilize the services of professional counselors in schools, colleges, mental health agencies, community agencies, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, private practice and other delivery settings; and

    Whereas: An improved understanding of counseling and how it can address citizen [insert student or other word here if appropriate] needs will be beneficial to all,

    [Ending when proclamation is made by an official]

    Therefore, I [insert name of governor, mayor or official] of [insert the name of state, city or community] do hereby proclaim the month of April [insert year] as Counseling Awareness Month and asked all citizens to learn more about the role of counseling in our lives and recognize the important contributions made by counseling professionals. [Ending when proclamation is issued by a governing body or organization]

    Therefore, the [insert identity of city council, school board, etc.] hereby proclaims the month of April [insert year] as Counseling Awareness Month and encourages greater understanding of the role of counseling in our lives and enhanced recognition of the contributions made by counseling professionals.

    Signature _______________________________________________________ Date______________________________

    In states and communities, the lead for proclamation acquisition should be taken by ACA branches and local counseling organizations. Remember that governing offices and bodies have procedures and timelines that need to be followed to engage in official acts and allow sufficient time to accomplish the task.

Join us for

Celebrated on the second Friday of April, Teal Day encourages awareness of the importance of counseling and self-care for counselors as they enlighten their clients, colleagues and the greater public of the same. It recognizes counselors place in the national mental health conversation and the importance of debunking the stigma related to mental illness. It also challenges people to broaden their understanding of counseling in the prevention and management of mental health conditions.