Urgent: Disaster Mental Health Assistance Needed in Louisiana

Aug 16, 2016
Louisiana is currently experiencing catastrophic flooding on the level of Hurricane Sandy. As of August 15, 2016, over 24,000 households have been affected and at least 7 fatalities reported. Over 10,000 people are staying in 60 Red Cross shelters. In order to help those affected, the American Red Cross is currently deploying new disaster mental health volunteers with no prior Red Cross experience.
Many disaster mental health (DMH) workers are needed to support clients and responders who continue to struggle to cope with significant losses. Event-based volunteers will be trained onsite; no prior ARC DMH experience is required. If you meet the requirements for deployment outlined in this flier, please consider going to the operation and offering your services as an event-based volunteer.

Please note that the necessary requirements cannot be waived. Disaster relief operations are fluid and staff needs change daily. If you have any questions, please contact dmh@redcross.org.

ACA is distributing this call for assistance in support of its partnership with the American Red Cross. ACA members have assisted in various disaster relief efforts in previous years, including Hurricane Katrina and the 2016 flooding in Missouri.

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